Summer! We look forward to it for so long, as the cold winds blow and snow blankets the beauty of the New Hampshire countryside. Although winter has its own kind of beauty, there’s somethingspecial about being outside in the summertime in New Hampshire, especially if you live in or around Manchester. It’s time to put away the skis and get out your walking shoes instead. Whether you want to take in the beauty of Livingston Park or go kayaking or fishing at Lake Massabesic, it feels great to get out, get some exercise, and just enjoy the sunshine. But before you can get out and do these activities, you need to know that your home is in order. For some people, this means making sure that the house has been cleaned from top to bottom. For others, it means that the lawn has been maintained, the garden planted, or the landscaping is looking its best. For anyone who has a fireplace, what it should mean is making sure that the chimney and fireplace system has been inspected and the chimney has been swept. Now is a great time to give Ceaser Chimney Service, LLC a call, before the end of the season rush hits and you may have trouble scheduling this essential service at a time that is convenient for you.
Advantages to an Early Summer Sweeping
There are several advantages to taking care of your chimney early. First is convenience. Towards the end of the summer and into the fall, all those people who have put this off are now starting to get a little nervous about making sure the inspection and cleaning take place, and you may have to wait in line to get this scheduled. Another important reason, however, is that there may be chimney damage that you’re not aware of. Even if you take excellent care to maintain your fireplace throughout the year, you may have had a chimney fire and not been aware of it. In fact, most chimney fires happen that way, because there usually isn’t enough oxygen in your chimney for a fire to take hold. That means there may be damage that you don’t know about. Summertime is the best time for our highly trained, Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) workers to fix your chimney, first because it’s easier on our staff to work in the warm weather, and second, because the materials needed for repairs, especially the mortar, work better when it’s warmer.
Another reason it’s a good idea to do this early is because of odor. All chimneys have creosote buildup after a winter of use, and this substance does not smell good. That odor, when mixed with the warm, damp air in the spring and summer, can travel down your chimney and permeate your furnishings, carpets, and window coverings. This is definitely something you want to avoid, as it can be difficult to get rid of this pervading odor.
Call Soon!
Don’t get stuck this fall waiting for an appointment to have your chimney inspected and cleaned. Give us a call soon, beat the crowd, and schedule an early chimney inspection and sweeping so you can enjoy the rest of the summer without having to think about getting this job done!